
Faith Formation

Art of Ethics Training Resources

On November 16, 2023, Dr. Kate Ott, Director of the Stead Center on Ethics and Values and Elizabeth Emis, Art of Ethics Project Coordinator for […]

By Kate Ott

Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God.

Jesus paired these two—peacemakers and Children of God—because children have a way of reminding adults that moral formation is an active, creative process, not simply a list of unchanging rules. Peacemaking takes creativity, collaboration, and compromise; three things children are doing all the time. We explain it this way in the Art of Ethics project at the Stead Center.

By Kate Ott

Survival and Growth Through Mindful Spirituality 

Photo by Jack Moreh from Freerange Stock Stress is a prevalent form of emotional, psychological, and affective tension when we cannot control exterior situations or pressure. Because it […]

By Hamin Kwak

Holy Liberation, Holy Community

Photo by Jack Moreh from Freerange Stock “Any meeting without food could have been an email.” Tanya Watkins, the Executive Director of Southsiders Organized for […]

By Pastor Elle Dowd